4. What is the difference
between monosaccharides and
disaccharides? What are some
examples of disaccharides and
of monosaccharides that form

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Monosaccharides are simple molecules
of carbohydrates that cannot be
into other carbohydrates. Glucose and
fruc are examples of
monosaccharides. Disaccha are
made of two
monosaccharides and with the loss of
one molecule of water (de).
The chemical bond between two
monosaccharides is known as a
glycosidic bond.

(table sugar) is a disaccharide
made by the union of one molecule of
glucose with one molecule of fructose.
Malt is a disaccharide made by two
glucose molecules. (milk sugar)
is another disaccharide and itis created
by the union of one molecule of
galactose with one molecule of .